SCOTTSDALE, AZ—Jeff Gage of CBRE doesn’t mince words when it comes to the acceptance of Millennials in the workforce.  Currently he says 20% of the workforce is Millennials, and it can only grow from there.  So the question for resisting senior pros becomes: Do you bend to reality or do you snap?

Gage’s frank answer, delivered at the recent SIOR Spring World Conference here, was: “Get over it.” (Click here for Part One.)

Gage will explore:

  • If Millennials and gray-hairs can play nicely together;
  • Facing the realities of a different work ethic;
  • Toolmakers of ages ago and Millennials today;
  • How to relate to a generation that doesn’t crave the traditional touchstones of success; and
  • Reverse mentoring and the importance of absorbing a new way of thinking.

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