Appraisal Reduction Amounts Accelerate in IH 2018

As the commercial real estate credit cycle gets further along, rents and prices have shown signs of slowing and in some markets, even declines and some properties are getting caught in the undertow.

World Houston Plaza is in the top 10 of highest appraisal reduction amounts as a percentage of the principal balance (credit: Yardi Matrix).

HOUSTON—With CMBS 1.0 winding down, CMBS 2.0 is starting to take on a life of its own. The specially serviced CMBS 2.0 conduit rate has been on the rise for eight consecutive months–ending June 2018 at 1.24%.

Appraisal reduction amounts/ARAs have followed suit and recently have begun to climb. What began as a busy year for ARAs in CMBS 2.0 only accelerated as the first half of 2018 drew to a close. ARAs are considered by some market participants to be a proxy for expected loan losses, says Kroll Bond Rating Agency Inc.

“During IH 2018, $828 million of CMBS 2.0 specially serviced conduit loans had ARAs effectuated,” Larry Kay, senior director, CMBS surveillance, Kroll Bond Rating Agency Inc., tells “This is already 65% higher than full year 2017 when it was $501 million. In total, there were $229 million of ARAs initiated IH 2018 compared to $135 million in full-year 2017. The ARA as a percentage of outstanding principal balance increased to 35% from 28% in full-year 2017.”

The rapid rise in ARAs maybe a harbinger of increased stress that’s working its way into CMBS 2.0, according to Kroll. In addition to the $229 million of ARAs IH 2018, there was another $396 million of ARAs outstanding as of June 2018 for a total of $625 million on principal balance of $1.51 billion.

One might ask, what is driving the increase in ARAs? As the commercial real estate credit cycle gets further along, rents and prices have shown signs of slowing and in some markets, even declines. While properties were able to take advantage of a rising tide, some are getting caught in the undertow as a result of additional supply, store closures and other tenant issues, according to Kroll.

“Through June 2018 for CMBS 2.0 conduits, there was $184.1 million in realized losses. In addition, to these realized losses, the $625 million of outstanding ARAs could be a foreshadow of what’s to come,” Kay tells “Needless to say, it appears that more losses will be creeping into CMBS 2.0.”

In CMBS 2.0 transactions, both realized losses and ARAs are allocated to the controlling class to determine whether the controlling classes’ balance is sufficient to retain control, says Kay. Control generally shifts when the aggregate balance (as reduced by realized losses and ARAs) of the then-controlling class is reduced to 25% of its initial certificate balance. learns that the transactions with the highest ARAs as a percentage of the transactions’ principal balance are Matrix Corporate Center in Danbury, CT followed by Fashion Outlets of Las Vegas and TownePlace Suites in Odessa, TX.

Gander Mountain in Arlington, TX, World Houston Plaza and Eagle Ford with three properties in Cotulia, Pleasanton and Pearsall, TX, are also in the top 10 of highest ARAs, according to KBRA Research.