How AI Is Making Market Data Smarter

Machine learning and AI technology are becoming essential tools for brokers in marketing and selling an asset.

Machine learning and AI technology are becoming essential tools for brokers to both market and sell a property. Considering the data-centric nature of real estate, it is surprising that the industry hasn’t more rapidly adapted to new technology, but companies like SetSchedule are bringing the real estate industry into the fold with smart tools that make data more accessible and accurate.

“Machine learning, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence leverage data and help real estate brokers acquire, organize and translate large amounts of data. Companies like SetSchedule utilize these technologies to identify potential real estate consumers, provide data driven lead solutions, a vast amount of information and proprietary data,” Roy Dekel, CEO of SetSchedule, tells “What does that mean for the real estate agent? It means doing and having more, in a faster amount a time. Technology allows you connect with relevant clients in the shortest amount of time used.”

Not all data is created equal, and some companies are using tools that rely on outdated data to make decisions. “When you are in the data space, the first thing you will need is quality control.  For the most part data requires enriching, cleaning and a human touch,” explains Dekel. “Our Data Scientists and employees spend a great deal of time verifying and “cleaning data”, removing incomplete, inaccurate and corrupted data. No technology is 100% perfect, so it is also important to be able to identify technical issues, and fix them quickly. There can be a number of reasons why data may be bad, but the bottom line is to work with companies that use data you can trust.”

Smart and analytical tools can pull data from multiple sources to deliver accuracy. SetSchedule’s tools pull data from several real estate source, which is unique in this industry. We are an agnostic platform that provides data from several real estate sources,” explains Dekel. “Since we are not directly associated with one organization, our users reap the benefits of well-rounded information from a plethora of many well and lesser known avenues. SetSchedule also enriches all of the data received, and in some cases like with SetSchedule SetVerified leads, our employees verify the accuracy of the information, and prep the homeowner, investor or buyer for future communication.”

Then, the program uses AI technology to personalize the experience for the individual user. “Our system learns what our users want every time they take or pass on a lead,” says Dekel. “The more our users use the system, the more they will see the leads they want to see.”