REEF Technology Plans Multipurpose Hubs for Parking Facilities

REEF Technology aims to “future-proof” parking structures while addressing city needs

MIAMI–REEF Technology has announced a plan to transform parking lots and garages across the US into multipurpose hubs. These hubs, located within the parking garages, will be populated by companies from within the REEF hub ecosystem, including Uber, DoorDash, GetAround and Nuro, and feature such services as electric bike and scooter rental companies, on-demand aviation businesses and peer-to-peer car rentals.

The goal is to “future-proof” parking structures while addressing city needs, REEF Technology says.

Another offering in the hubs will be REEF KITCHENS, which has launched operations in London and Miami in response to the growing demand for food delivery. REEF KITCHENS partners with local restaurants to provide faster delivery, with each kitchen hub able to accommodate one to five restaurant brands. Restaurants can run operations directly or via contracted REEF staff. Several hundred additional operational kitchens are expected to open across North America and the UK.

The company is also in talks with micro fulfillment centers.

REEF technology, formerly known as ParkJockey Global, is currently the largest parking network in North American with more than 4,500 locations. Supported by SoftBank Vision Fund and Mubadala Investment Co., the company features a network of smart parking real estate.