How Proptech Can Attract Generation C

This cohort expects to have the same technology and communication environment in their workplace as they do at home.

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NEW YORK—Patrick Gasior, senior channel sales manager at Velis Real Estate Tech, describes the digital natives now entering the job market as Generation C (Gen C) for their ability to connect, communicate and change.

While these three skills offer a lot of opportunities for employers, this generation also bring challenges.

“They expect to have the same technology and communication environment in their workplace as they do at home,” Gasior says. “Without it, they feel alienated from the world they know so well. That is why proptech technologies can become an advantage for future buildings to attract employees from the newest generation.”

While proptech is transforming the real estate industry and gives newer buildings an advantage with Gen C, there are things older buildings can do to compete.

“Proptech technologies can be an advantage for future buildings to attract employees from the newest generations,” Gasior says. “Even if the building is older and unattractive from the outside, it could become very attractive to a Gen C employee if it offers all the amenities of a modern class A building.”

Gasior says that Gen C expects its workplace to be just like home—a well-connected place with access to modern technologies.

“Companies need to catch up with the new reality to maintain a competitive edge,” Gasior says. “The newer buildings all have proptech solutions built in or at least they are capable of absorbing such solutions. Older properties need to be upgraded both with hardware and software to make them competitive in the marketplace.”

For owners of older buildings who may have limited budgets, Gasior recommends a facility management proptech solution. He says these solutions can not only make operations easy but also create a community around the building.

“Older buildings tend to be inefficient and need a lot more maintenance than newer buildings,” he says.

Outside of a facility maintenance system, Gasior recommends property management platforms for owners of larger buildings. “Owners should also be looking at solutions that connect tenants and service providers to create an ecosystem around the building and make maintenance and service requests as easy as ordering an Uber,” he says. If owners choose the correct proptech and correctly implement it, it can significantly improve a building.

“It depends on the scope and size of the project or a solution,” Gasior says. “It definitely could raise the status of the property if the building gains state of the art building access, security system or software infrastructure for facility and property management.”

If members of Gen C like a property, they can become that building owners or managers best advocates. “Generation C is a powerful global group of consumers who thrive on connection and community,” Gasior says. “In short, they could become your best customers – they spend, share, and influence. Connecting them to your business model, product or workplace is like having free advertising, which could increase your business exponentially.”