How Measure B Will Guarantee Affordable Housing Development

The Newland Sierra includes 60% affordable housing through a partnership with Wakeland Housing and Development Corp.

San Diego

In March, San Diego residents will have the opportunity to vote on the future of affordable housing development Newland Sierra. The project includes a deed-restriction that requires the project include 60% affordably priced units. The covenant is unique and legally binding, meaning that if passed, Measure B will be a guarantee of new affordable housing.

Measure B will provide affordably-priced housing options for working families in San Diego County, all guaranteed through a legally binding covenant recorded as a restriction on the deed of the property,” Rita Brandin, SVP and development director of Newland, tells “This legally enforceable covenant guarantees that 60% of the new homes will be priced affordably for working families and seniors and that 10% of those homes will be affordably priced rentals for low and very low-income families.”

This covenant is the first in San Diego, and according to the developer, it is a solid agreement cannot be changed. “Most importantly, the terms of this covenant related to the guarantee of affordable housing cannot be changed; and they can be enforced legally by any community partner or stakeholder, including nonprofit leaders, affordable housing advocates, public safety officials and others,” says Brandin.

The housing project will be built in a partnership with Wakeland Housing and Development Corp. “It will prioritize more than 500 affordably priced homes for teachers, public safety officers, firefighters, veterans, military personnel and other professions to help keep those who serve San Diego within our community,” says Brandin.

The Measure already has strong community support, and Brandin says the support is indicative of the developer’s strong community network. “As we’ve embarked on this journey to bring this project forward, I’ve understood the critical importance of having a strong network of community partners,” she explains. “Every step of the way, we’ve made sure to engage all members of the community and our coalition of support for Yes on B is a testament to the success of that outreach. Our supporters are the ones who will ultimately help take us to victory in March.”