Thought Leader Presented by Matthews Real Estate Investment Services

Retail Investing in a Rising Interest-Rate Environment

A resurgent sector is facing a new challenge: inflation. Kyle Matthews and Chad Kurz discuss what that means in this exclusive video from ICSC 2022 Las Vegas.

Retail fundamentals are holding strong in the face of rising inflation, with assets performing well operationally and increased spending buoying retail sales. But, as Kyle Matthews, CEO and chairman at Matthews Real Estate Investment Services, cautions, “a lot depends on your motivations as an owner, but fundamentally, things are going strong.

“Most of the conversation will continue to be about the cost of capital, debt, and interest rates – but from the fundamentals of the market, it’s very strong.”

In this video from the show floor, watch Matthews and Chad Kurz, EVP at Matthews Real Estate Investment Services, as they discuss consumer spending and foot traffic, what criteria an investor should look for when selecting a market to invest in and how interest rates are impacting cap rates.