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Austin, Boston, Dallas, Atlanta and New York City are the top five destinations.
"There will be a point that not taking into account climate risk could be taken as negligence."
"I'm trying to introduce a new way of viewing property ownership and bring liquidity to a traditionally illiquid market."
Some sellers are disappointed they cannot yet achieve pre-pandemic prices.
The target is the "loophole that allows the wealthiest Americans to entirely escape tax on their wealth by passing it down to heirs."
Along with flexible work plans, some companies are also cutting back on business travel.
"It'll be part of the 'sausage making' of negotiating legislation that can pass."
Using data has risks, particularly when what you receive isn't the full information.
Unfortunately the future is murky when it comes to the number and type of new jobs that will be created.
The triple threat would be a simultaneous end to the 1031, basis step-up on death, and doubling of capital gains.